The Tie Terminal

Introducing The Tie Terminal Dataset Library

By Jake Langer
December 20, 2023

The Tie proudly introduces its latest feature, the Dataset Library, to The Tie Terminal. This innovative feature empowers users to create truly custom data points and metrics, with users having complete access to The Tie’s raw data and several leading third-party data providers.

Many Terminal clients have sought to leverage raw data to create their own metrics, or combine data from multiple providers - including The Tie. In order to do this, however, clients would need to evaluate and procure APIs, build data pipelines, and store the data in a database, before working to normalize disparate datasets that may have distinct unique identifiers for each asset. It is only after this labor-intensive process that a user would be able to start working with the data as desired.

Dataset Library solves this challenge, and enables Terminal users to manipulate nearly 100 raw datasets from The Tie , and nearly 1,000 data sets from over a dozen  leading third-party data providers, all within The Tie Terminal. All available datasets have been pre-mapped, streamlining the user experience with working with multiple datasets, and via the Terminal’s Component Builder, users can manipulate this data to create unique metrics that were previously not possible.

With the Dataset Library, we’ve exposed all of our raw data from our backend, all of which can be accessed via SQL queries. For example, users can parse through our universe of Token Unlock data, and write SQL or Python queries to create tables of, or chart tokens that have the most unlocks in the next month or quarter. 

Beyond The Tie’s data, one of the standout features of the Dataset Library is that coverage includes various third-party crypto APIs. This allows users to merge external APIs with each other and with The Tie's data to develop custom datapoints that tap into disparate datasets. Several leading API providers’ data is available within The Tie Terminal without requiring an API key or subscription.

For both natively-supported third party vendors, and other crypto API vendors, we’ve pre-mapped their API endpoints within the Dataset Library. With our Coins Mapping dataset, we have pre-mapped all of the  unique identifiers that crypto’s major data providers use to identify each asset. This enables you to start coding across multiple data sets right away, without having to spend days or weeks mapping tickers. The Dataset Library also integrates OpenAI’s API, providing capabilities for unique AI-enabled component creation and data transformation using The Tie's and third-party data.

The Dataset Library within The Tie Terminal offers 1,000+ datasets including blockchain data, market data (spot and derivatives), social media data, and developer data, among others. The Component Builder feature allows users to create tailored components, offering a holistic view of activity across the crypto market.

Additionally, the Dashboard Component Builder in The Tie Terminal represents a playground environment, facilitating experimentation and previewing of datasets before building. Users working with Python scripts can utilize pre-formatted code from the Dataset Library, streamlining the process of dataset transformation and integration.

We are thrilled to offer Terminal users the opportunity to delve into our extensive raw data and that of leading third-party crypto APIs. Dataset Library enables the creation of bespoke metrics and Dashboard components tailored to individual requirements. The launch of the Dataset Library simplifies the management of your entire crypto workflow within The Tie Terminal, streamlining data accessibility and innovation on the platform.

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Jake Langer

Jake Langer

Jake Langer, Author at The Tie

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