
2 Posts

By Kingsley Bowen / December 02, 2022

Introduction The traditional banking system has shortcomings: lack of ability to self-custody, costly remittances & settlement processes, and narrow financial inclusion. Stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) address these shortcomings and serve as stable, dollar-denominated digital currencies suitable for store of value and daily transactions.  A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency that’s price is tied […]

By Vaish Puri / July 22, 2022

At their heart, blockchains are trust machines. Evaluating trust, let alone a chain’s performance, is not a routine task. Amongst the many tools used to quickly evaluate a chain’s performance, transactions per second (TPS) stands out as the most widely recognized one. TPS is often characterized as a reflection of a chain’s throughput, when in […]

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